Saturday, 25 February 2017


Have you ever wondered how the rain comes? I do every time I watch the rain.
I wrote this piece watching the rain.


    I smelt it first, that unexplainable aura that seems to be moist soil. I wonder why it smells that way, maybe a special spray is sent down from the heavens just before the downpour. The first drops fell and it was like sprinkles from a shower tap just after you close it. Then it came in full in force. Rain.
    I didn't run for cover, I just stood there looking into the skies, perhaps hoping to see where the plug was pulled or if it's an angel pouring it from a bucket; anything just to explain this phenomenon. I get tired of this and I try to get a mouthful of water, I tried for ten minutes without success, I'm baffled then as to how buckets get filled;I might just be a little jealous of those objects.
    In the distance, I spot the leaves of a corn plant glistening "green" like a newly washed half of a Nigerian flag. I feel lucky for it, the rain is food.
It then comes, just at that moment, the best part of it for me;the sun peeping from behind the clouds like a student seeking permission from his principal. Somewhat reluctantly it finally comes out fully and I feel that ecstasy; Sunshine after the storm, Light after dark, now I'm sure everything is gonna be okay.
     Suddenly I feel numb all over, OMG!, I'm soaking wet, funny how I got lost in the moment, I stare at the skies, it's clear now and patterns are forming. I see the rainbow shaped in the pattern of a flannel shirt. I guess the creator knows my favourite things and he made this rain just for me.


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